Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Home again

Ok so i have finally got the basics of bluefish--> I found a whole bunch of cool javascrip's from http://www.javascriptkit.com/cutpastejava.shtml

For some reason when i saved the page(js example) and tried re opening it, it would keep loading and never LOAD. So i opened the page i saved through bluefish and resaved it as html file, which then worked. mmm Not sure why. I think its a lack of basic understanding of the Ubuntu OS. As you may have noticed the population of the world on the right here is an example of the jc i was playing around with. problems Problems PROBLEMS, in adding a typwriter title to my blog, the title works beautifully but prevents the world population timer from counting. Yet again i have no clue as to where the problem is. So to my dismay i had to remove the title...bias infavour of counter...

The robots are comming...eeek...

|``V | |

Monday, December 18, 2006

Stupid me

After enabling the urls to "my friends blogs" for some reason i didnt check to see if they actually made the link. Well today i decided to check it out, mmm took me to some arb place. Turns out that miss-spell on blogspot-->bogspot. Then while i was in the mood for validation i clicked on my Linkedin, mmm yet again a problem. Left a stupid ">" out in my html...errrr

But now i think she works

!( * *)!
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Modays mmm

Today i have been working on bluefish as well as learning Java Script through http://www.w3schools.com this is an amazing site that has a whole wack of web development language tutorials. I am going to be working through the HTML, Java Script, XML, PHP and maybe Python and Perl. I know there is a lot to get through but for now a general understanding is all i require. Will be posting on each of the sections that i get through and how it fits in with the rest. A quick look at java script, reveals that it is a straight forward and easy language to use...or so it seems. However --> Th3 mroe you learn the more you realize how little you know<---

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Ok so i feel that i have spent enough time on Ubuntu for now...command line makes me feel too powerful; for my own good that is; so now im going to have a look at AJAX...mmm... smells good doesnt it. I found under a tut under wiki-->Ajax http://www.xul.fr/en-xml-ajax.html its seems to be quite understandable. All my Ajax playing i am putting on my page through google page creator. This is the url --) http://robotsred.googlepages.com/ajaxtester not much point in looking now as there isnt anything up yet. This will be my testing ground


Well my life for the last couple days has been entirely Ubuntu. I am starting to appreciate the power of command line. In the Last couple of days various packages were installed and configured but have not really been used yet. I managed to mount my windows FAT32 partition to the Ubuntu, but still need to install a mp3 package.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Wicked Weekend

We arrived back from Beaverlac yesterday... Awesome trip, went hiking, swimming and ate most of the day. Got to know Don, Craig and Ashley a little better ----> Real great guys

Friday, December 8, 2006

Camping Work

Yea at work at the moment, not much to do... Going to the Christmas function and camping to Beaverlac there after. Going to be doing some research again ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

The break

Today i went through to lsdev. I brought in my PC to work where i installed Ubuntu on it. Once up and running a number of packages were installed. Some of the packages were installed using synaptic with is the GUI way of doing things (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synaptic ) and the rest were done through the more skilled but challenging bash which is the command prompt way (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash). My phone also got stolen today :-(

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


On this Day i officially began work a Light Speed Development!

So today i went through to light speed development. Installed a "edgy" operating system on one of the machines. Were shown basics in the Linux system; command line VS GUI. I was given a copy of Ubuntu which i have run live on my home PC. Running through some of the help files i found my way around the operating system rather easily. Cannot get my docs.Google to load so haven't been able report on any of the Google apps emailed to me by Ashley. I have activated and played around with quite a few of them.

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