Monday, December 18, 2006

Modays mmm

Today i have been working on bluefish as well as learning Java Script through this is an amazing site that has a whole wack of web development language tutorials. I am going to be working through the HTML, Java Script, XML, PHP and maybe Python and Perl. I know there is a lot to get through but for now a general understanding is all i require. Will be posting on each of the sections that i get through and how it fits in with the rest. A quick look at java script, reveals that it is a straight forward and easy language to use...or so it seems. However --> Th3 mroe you learn the more you realize how little you know<---


Unknown said...

JavaScript has the potential to be a very cool language. Unfortunately, while different browsers can't agree on language extensions things will only get hairier.

Stay away from PHP if you can, though. It's really easy to write bad code with lots of security holes and rather more difficult to write good, secure code. Rather go with Python or Ruby, both of which are excellent languages.

Dave Berliner said...

Thanks, will keep that in mind. Still have to do research into those languages as i am still new to the whole "internet programming" thing. Can Python and Ruby be used in the same manner as Java Script? these are all things that are on my learning curve of the near future...

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